Train memory with HAPPYneuron

Memory games : put your memory at work!
You wish to know yourself better, and have the opportunity to challenge your abilities? You would like to know how to train your memory? Welcome to!
Scientific Brain Training is the world leader of brain training. Today we give you the opportunity to challenge your memory skills with HAPPY-neuron. is an entertaining and fun program with more than 40 games designed by specialists to help you challenge your cognitive abilities.
Designed by cognitive psychology specialists , HAPPYneuron offers many games: among them you’ll discover different memory games. Whether you like riddles, mind games, puzzles, or whether you are looking for a logic game or training your memory, our site will fulfill your expectations. You will be the judge!
Click here to start your memory program!
An example before we start? Here is one task: memorize then rebuild a series of your favorite monuments in splendid cities of the world. This will challenge your visual-spatial skills and your visual memory. You will work your concentration!
You won’t find only ONE memory game: our site offers more than 40 EXERCISES, to challenge your memory skills (and many other abilities!). There are also several types of memory : “working memory” deals with information for about 15 seconds; short-term memory retains information up to 60 seconds, while long-term memory can store information indefinitely. A regular practice of memory games can help you challenge all your memory functions. Thanks to our program, you’ll train your memory easily!